6月 8 2023

Introduce new stack Sharing to sharing files between my Linux PC to iPhone.

Move Wezterm from investigate to use. Apart from the Chinese on Linux in vim, the others are good setup the fallback font all good. At the meanwhile still keep the Terminator/iTerm2 as backup.

tech stack activity
6月 7 2023

Introduce new stack Kustomize. I use it for simple Kubernetes apps/resources. e.g. the Roles or Rolebindings in Kubernetes, or the app only include Deployment/Service.

tech stack activity
5月 26 2023
上个月浏览阮一峰的博客时注册了推荐的一个家庭保险配置的服务,然后就有家保险中介公司联系我,他们提供的 …<商业个人/家庭保险购买>
2月 25 2023

Migrated my droplet from CentOS 7 to NixOS.

tech stack activity
2月 25 2023

Investigating Plausible as a workspace stack to replace Google Analytics

tech stack activity
2月 21 2023

Migrated cv pages to cv.kaleo.me which built with NextJS, tailwindcss and staticrypt. Use modern web stack means it’s easy to have a nice responsive design on various screens( iPhone, laptop or print with a A4 size).

tech activity
2月 19 2023
shanghai ins
2月 17 2023

最开始的 Unix 文档 The UNIX Time-Sharing System,十几年后的今天,底层的基本设计还是没有变。

tech tweet
2月 14 2023


是炭头 tweet